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Aria Andante


Call me Dante

Gender: Stallion
Height: 1
Eye Color: Grey Mirrors (Blind)

Discipline: Dressage to Music

Phenotype: Grey


Genotype: Ee/aa/Gg



1. Me​

2. Me

3. Me

4. res for blackhoeses

5. Milton

Get To Know Dante!


Despite his lack of sight, Dante is an easygoing stallion who will do his very best for anyone. He's a hard worker, who will never let his own worries come in the way of what is being asked of him. He loves to listen to his humans, be it the stories they have, the worries annoying them, the state of the weather.


As easygoing as he is, there's not many horses that Dante doesn't get along with. He generally gets along well with any horses that are more patient, as it takes him a little bit to get somewhere, but most horses realize his blindness and grant him that grace.

Winning Prompt!​


It seems like this guy was born blind! Although he doesn't let his ailment stop him from doing typical horse activities! Tell me his favorite activity or discipline.


With sight difficulties, it was easy to write Dante off in his first few years. 'He'll be a companion horse', 'He'll be a nice addition to a stable', 'He can breed for colour'. However, Dante has a beautiful, easy, graceful movement - one that makes it simple to train him to be a dressage horse. Unfortunately, the stallion faces issues within himself - he finds himself panicking in anticipation of the next cue, as he doesn't remember when it will come in, and, without the ability to use the visuals of the arena around him, found that to be an obstacle he could not overcome. And so, in the attempt to quell these fears, came the addition of music to his routines. And, to the delight of everyone - including himself! - he found this addition to be calming and extremely useful. Now, he remembers when his change of pace needs to occur, remembers where the cues will come from, and his discipline has become his absolute favourite activity!


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