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Cherry Wine


Gender: Mare

Height: 15.3hh
Eye Color: Starlight Blue

Discipline: Dressage

Phenotype: Red Roan Overo


Genotype: ee/aa/RnRn/Oo



1. Me

2. Me

3. Dell

4. Rue

5. Open

Call me Ronan

Get To Know Ronan!​


Confident and charming, Ronan seems like the perfect mare on the outside. However, if watched carefully, it's clear that she's an absolute bully, picking on quieter members of the herd or pushing her way to the front of queues. She's intimidating and often even downright cruel to the quieter horses in the stables.


Tough and dominating, Ronan does not get along with most of the horses in the stables, period. She's close with the more manipulative mares in a sort of 'clique' - her, Latte, Eve and Honey make a dynamic bunch who no one will mess with.

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